What is Degrowth?
This page presents a definition of degrowth that goes beyond the mainstream narrative, weaving together the rich tapestry of ideas, struggles, and movements that have shaped its evolution. Here, we …
Degrowth often sparks vibrant discussions and, inevitably, a fair share of misconceptions. It's a concept that challenges deeply ingrained notions of progress and success, leading to misunderstandings about its goals and implications. In our journey towards understanding degrowth, it's vital to clear the fog of these misconceptions which often cloud our vision and lead to critiques based on incomplete pictures. Here, we're trying to set the record straight, addressing common critiques, myths and misconceptions and clarifying what degrowth stands for to many.
Rights reserved: Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash
As we navigate the complexities of transitioning towards a degrowth society, we must approach critiques and questions with openness, humility, and respect. We should recognise that the concept of degrowth can provoke a range of reactions, some stemming from genuine concerns, misunderstandings, or widespread misinformation in public discourse. It's important to remember that many critiques are valid and deserve thoughtful consideration.
Our goal is to foster a space where scepticism can transform into understanding through empathy, honest conversation, and the sharing of accurate information.
Check out our list of misconceptions below!
Degrowth vs. Recession
Degrowth isn't about economic decline; it's a conscious shift from GDP-focused growth to enhancing life quality. Unlike a recession, which is unintentional and harmful, degrowth is a deliberate, positive change which puts people and the planet before profits. Degrowth then acknowledges that this will likely lead to a reduced GDP (although that is not the focus!).
Degrowth as Mini Capitalism
Degrowth isn't capitalism on a diet. It's not only about scaling down corporations or slowing down trade. It's a radical rethinking of our economic systems, focusing on local, regenerative, and community-based approaches, not just shrinking existing structures.
Degrowth's Post-Capitalist Vision Misconceived
Degrowth isn't about improving capitalism; it's about transitioning beyond it. It envisions a post-growth economy that is more equitable, slower in pace, yet richer in quality of life, operating within ecological limits.
Degrowth is Against Businesses and Markets
Degrowth doesn't oppose businesses and markets; it critiques the unsustainable and exploitative practices within capitalist systems. Recognising that trade and commerce have existed in various forms across cultures and history, degrowth advocates for markets that operate within ecological limits and serve community well-being.
Degrowth Means All Sectors Must Shrink
Overall, the world's economy has to shrink because we're using up Earth's resources too fast. Just relying on new technology isn't enough to fix this problem. However, some sectors and countries must grow (Global South, renewables, healthcare, education, etc.), and some must shrink (Global North, fast fashion, aviation, SUVs, etc.).
Do you speak German? Well, the folks at Rosa Lux and Konzeptwerk created a remarkable guide on the most common myths and claims about economic growth and degrowth with advice on how to counter them.
Degrowth is Contrary to Human Nature and Progress
Is our nature to progress? Maybe. However, degrowth argues that progress isn't about accumulating wealth, power, and status. Degrowth seeks to redefine progress to mean the enhancement of collective well-being and ecological stability, not just individual accumulation.
Degrowth is Utopian Idealism
Degrowth is utopian in spirit, not in naivety. It uses the idea of utopia as a critical tool to inspire debate and envision better alternatives. It's about striving for a better, adaptable world, acknowledging perfection as an unattainable and possibly undesirable goal.
Degrowth Demands Only Individual Sacrifices
Degrowth champions a collective endeavour towards sustainability, deeply rooted in community strength and mutual support. It's about enriching lives with connections to people and nature, not isolating individuals or demanding personal sacrifice without communal benefit.
Degrowth as A One-Size-Fits-All Solution
Far from prescribing a universal blueprint, degrowth acknowledges the rich tapestry of global cultures, philosophies and economies that have influenced it. It advocates for context-sensitive approaches that respect local conditions, traditions, and needs, ensuring that the path to sustainability is as diverse as humanity itself.
Degrowth Stifles Innovation
Degrowth doesn't stifle innovation; it redirects it. Instead of focusing on commercial gains, like creating faster trading algorithms, it emphasises innovations that solve real community challenges, such as developing local currencies, improving renewable energy technology, shared resource networks/apps, medicinal advances, or community resilience technologies.
Degrowth Opposes Technological Advancements
Degrowth doesn't reject technology; it champions its democratic control. Technology should be a means to societal goals, not an end in itself. It advocates for inclusive, sustainable technology that serves the common good.
Degrowth is Regressive
Degrowth isn't a step backwards (it's not seeking to "bring us back to the caves or dark ages") but a step in a new direction. It challenges the linear narrative of endless progress and seeks practical and realistic solutions to our current systems that are on the brink of social and ecological collapse.
Want to learn more about technology and degrowth?
Degrowth Leads to Disorganised Societies
Degrowth is far from an anarchic vision devoid of governance. It calls for proactive policy-making and government intervention (particularly in international and geopolitical matters) to steer economies towards sustainability, equity, and care. It emphasises that systemic change is pivotal to achieving degrowth objectives. However, degrowth also pushes for greater community resilience and autonomy from the state.
Degrowth Equals Oppression
Degrowth is rooted in global justice and autonomy. It opposes any form of 'climate apartheid' or an "authoritarian green state". It is a collective, voluntary journey towards a more equitable world. It's about empowerment and participatory decision-making, not top-down enforcement.
Degrowth Restricts Personal Freedom
Far from restricting freedom, degrowth aims to enhance it by empowering individuals with greater decision-making power in their communities, workplaces, and municipalities, fostering environments where everyone has a voice and not just an elite few.
Degrowth Lowers Quality of Life
Degrowth is not about deprivation but redirection. It aims to address the excesses of consumption (think private jets, mansions and SUVs) in some parts of the world while ensuring basic needs are met everywhere. It's about balancing resource use so everyone can enjoy a good quality of life. It is the complete opposite of austerity-induced poverty. Many even use the term radical abundance to talk about the increases in free time, basic needs, relations and community.
Degrowth Equals Job Losses
The transition to degrowth is not about eliminating jobs but transforming the employment landscape to prioritise meaningful, sustainable and socially beneficial work. It envisions creating opportunities in sectors that enhance ecological resilience and social well-being, including greater workplace democracy, ensuring livelihood stability while moving away from industries harmful to the planet.
Degrowth is Anti-Working Class
Contrary to being anti-working class, degrowth supports policies that directly benefit workers by advocating for reduced working hours with living wages, job guarantees, and improved quality of life with access to all your basic needs, ensuring the well-being and empowerment of all, especially those who have historically been marginalised.
Prefer to listen/watch instead? Check out this video below where Timothée Parrique discusses several misconceptions about degrowth on the Circular Metabolism podcast.
Degrowth Wants to Keep the Global South Poor
Degrowth recognises that while many nations in the Global South need to use more resources to alleviate poverty, this doesn't require following the conventional path of GDP growth at all costs. It advocates for targeted growth where necessary, alongside degrowth among the elite and mega-wealthy, ensuring equitable resource distribution and sustainable development tailored to each community's needs.
Degrowth is Just a Form of Communism
Degrowth is not about adopting communism; degrowth opposes economic growth goals as a policy objective regardless of whether it happens in a capitalist or communist framework. Although both can sometimes be similar when discussing workplace democracy and ensuring basic needs are met, it's a distinct approach focusing on sustainability, equity, and well-being within diverse economic systems, advocating for a balanced relationship with our environment, not a specific political ideology.
Degrowth is About Individual Guilt
While personal choices play a role, degrowth underscores the power of collective action and systemic transformation. It's a movement built on the foundation of community engagement, democratic processes, and shared visions for a radically different future.
Degrowth is All Theory, No Action
Degrowth is grounded in practical, actionable strategies, many of which are already being implemented in communities worldwide. From local currencies to cooperative business models, degrowth is not just a theory but a living practice, demonstrating viable alternatives to the growth paradigm.
Lastly, probably the most famous critique: "Degrowth" is An Unappealing Term
Some find the term "degrowth" off-putting, suggesting negativity or loss. But to many, it's a wake-up call, or what some have described as a "missile word". A term that shakes us out of complacency and makes us question something we have inherited as 'common sense'. The name also has the benefit of making it very hard to 'co-opt' or 'greenwash' like has happened with "sustainable development", for example.
To the skeptics, degrowth could answer with hope and practicality. It's not an end but a transformation, a path to a sustainable, equitable future. It’s about reimagining progress, not denying it. So we invite you to join the conversation and engage with others who may have doubts and concerns. People's insights and questions are not just welcome; they're essential.
Want to read more about what degrowth is and is not?
Some say degrowth ideas are too unrealistic and that 'green growth' is the way to go. Dive into this engaging debate below to discover why the idea of green growth might not be as practical as its seems...
This list of misconceptions was gathered through many different sources (from Celine Kellers' "Who is Afraid of Degrowth (external link)" graphic novel to Timothée Parrique's (external link) doctorate thesis and content produced by many degrowth organisations), to which we are very grateful. This list is not definitive, as degrowth means many things to every individual. Please reach out if you want to add more misconceptions or suggest edits!
Tim also has an excellent blog (external link) where he responds to articles that misinterpret, misconstrue or misrepresent degrowth.
Learn more about degrowth in the pages below:
This page presents a definition of degrowth that goes beyond the mainstream narrative, weaving together the rich tapestry of ideas, struggles, and movements that have shaped its evolution. Here, we …
This page is dedicated to illustrating a transformative vision for the future: a degrowth economy. Here, we invite you to explore an alternative economic model that champions ecological …
Have you ever wondered how you could explain degrowth in the simplest and most accessible way possible? Thankfully, some folks in New York did and managed to create beautiful ways of explaining this …
Exploring the transition to a degrowth economy often leads to the pivotal question: "How do we pay for it?" This page delves into Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) as a lens through which to view the …
Welcome to the heart of our movement: the values and principles of degrowth. This space explores the core ideas that drive us towards a sustainable and equitable future, from wellbeing and community …
Degrowth often sparks vibrant discussions and, inevitably, a fair share of misconceptions. It's a concept that challenges deeply ingrained notions of progress and success, leading to misunderstandings …
Here, we explore actionable policies and strategies that challenge the conventional pursuit of economic growth, focusing instead on enhancing well-being for all within our planet's ecological limits. …
Below is a list of research, surveys, and poll results showing people's thoughts about degrowth, post-growth and post-capitalist ideas. This collection helps debunk the myth that seeking an economy …
Check out this wonderful glossary of terms related to the concept of degrowth.
Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions page, where we've gathered common inquiries about degrowth to help clarify this transformative concept. Whether you're new to degrowth or seeking deeper …